The German authorities have reviewed 363 MW of bids to select 2559 MW of projects in the nation’s latest rooftop PV tender. The final prices ranged from €0.0795 ($0.0864)/kWh to €0.1019/kWh.
July 23, 2024 Sandra Enkhardt

Image: Maxsolar
From pv magazine Germany
Germany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has published the results of the country’s eight tender for rooftop PV projects ranging in size from 300 kW to 1 MW.
The agency reviewed 162 bids with a total capacity of 363 MW and selected 119 projects, totaling 259 MW. The final prices ranged from €0.0795 ($0.0864)/kWh to €0.1019/kWh. The final average price was €0.0894/kWh.
Most of the selected projects are located in North Rhine-Westphalia (83 MW) and Bavaria (31 MW).
In the previous procurement exercise, finalized in March, the German authorities allocated 264.1 MW, with final prices ranging from €0.0690/kWh to €0.0948/kWh.
In the sixth tender, held in July 2023, the Bundesnetzagentur allocated 191 MW at an average price of €0.1018/kWh. In the fifth tender, held in March 2023, the German authorities reviewed 213 MW of bids and selected 195 MW of projects. The final prices ranged between €0.0900/kWh and €0.1125/kWh. The final average price was €0.1087/kWh.
In the fourth tender in August 2022, the Bundesnetagentur allocated 201 MW of capacity, with final prices ranging between €0.0820/kWh and €0.0891/kWh. The final average price was €0.084. The third tender, in May 2022, achieved final prices of €0.07/kWh to €0.0891/kWh.
In the second PV tender in January 2022, the Bundesnetagentur reviewed 209 bids with a total capacity of 233 MW. It selected 136 projects, totaling 154MW. The final prices ranged between €0.0570/kWh and €0.0828/kWh. The final average price was €0.0743/kWh.
In the first solar tender in July 2021, the agency received 168 bids with a combined capacity of 213 MW. It selected 114 projects, totaling 152 MW. The final prices ranged between €0.0535/kWh and €0.0789/kWh. The final average price was €0.0688/kWh